Bryan Winquist

Bryan Winquist

About Bryan

Bryan Winquist, born on March 2nd, 1980, was raised in a close-knit family in a quaint upper Michigan town alongside his sister. His parents instilled in him strong values of hard work, community, and responsibility, which have shaped his journey into the world of environmental health and safety management.

After completing his bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Wisconsin in 2005, Bryan embarked on a career dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of others. Starting as a firefighter with the federal government, he quickly realized his passion for serving his community and went on to become a certified paramedic while working towards his goal of becoming an environmental health and safety manager.

In 2020, Bryan found himself at Tyson Foods, where he assumed the role of Complex Safety Manager. His dedication and expertise have kept him rooted in this position, contributing significantly to the company’s safety standards.

Currently residing in Somerville, Tennessee, Bryan shares his life with his wife and remains closely connected with his family. Beyond his career, Bryan’s heart lies in his endeavors at Nubian Meadows Farm, where he raises Angus cattle and cultivates various crops. His hobbies align perfectly with his passion for the outdoors, as he enjoys spending his leisure time engaged in outdoor activities and habitat improvement.

As a member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Bryan remains committed to staying updated with the latest industry standards and practices. His career trajectory reflects his unwavering dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of both people and the environment.

Bryan Winquist’s story is not just one of professional achievement, but also of familial support, community engagement, and a deep-rooted connection to the land. Through his work and personal endeavors, he continues to make a positive impact on the world around him, guided by the values instilled in him by his loving parents and shared with his sister.

News & Articles

fire fighter

From Firefighter to Environmental Guardian: The Inspiring Journey of Bryan Winquist

Bryan Winquist, born March 2, 1980, is a dedicated environmental health and safety manager with a rich background in public service. After earning his bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Wisconsin in 2005.


Bryan Winquist Highlights Innovations in Environmental Health and Safety Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of environmental health and safety (EHS) management, professionals in the field are continuously exploring innovative ways to enhance workplace safety, reduce environmental impact, and foster a culture of health and well-being.
